Sunday, March 3, 2013



Common ailments are often a result of toxins!

How Shaklee's Herbal Laxative can help with migraines, skin challenges and other issues by detoxifying your system.

It has been known by the natural healing profession for many years, and is recently being validated by the medical physicians, that up to 90% of degenerative disease conditions can be related to intestinal stasis — that is, a stagnant, fermenting condition within the bowels and related organs. This does not necessarily correspond to actual known constipation. 

A person can move his bowels many times a day, and still be encumbered with dead cells, decaying food materials, poisonous chemicals, parasites, pus, mucus, etc., all of which contribute to the circulation of toxins throughout the whole body, giving rise to an endless chain of “disease” conditions.

These facts should be taken into consideration when nutrition programs and vitamin therapy are introduced for the first time.

The normal body’s response to a proper nutrition program is to start releasing stored toxins from the cells and this puts more stress on organs of elimination (colon, kidneys, lungs, liver, blood,and skin) which may already be malfunctioning from past intake of drugs, additives, and refined, processed and overcooked foods. The result of the release of stored toxins could be symptoms of nausea, weakness,headaches, rashes, and tiredness.

To prevent this from happening, our recommended herbal laxative supplement is a combination of nine different herbs that help detoxify the body through better, more complete, elimination.

Our recommended herbal laxative includes sienna leaf, licorice root, alfalfa, fennel seed and anise seed to aid in digestion. Licorice root also reduces the production of stomach acid and relieves gas, as does anise seed. Anise seed also acts to relieve stomach cramps.

It is important to understand that the herbs used in this product are not in any way related to the artificial colon cleansers promoted by television. These herbs do not act like ordinary laxatives that irritate the tissues and force the bowel to eject its contents. This weakens the organs and causes dependencies.

Our herbal laxative product is able to accomplish a laxative effect without the usual unwanted side effects of taking a laxative. Herbs, being a food, nourish the bowel and related organs to strengthen them so that they will function entirely on their own, effectively eliminating waste materials.

Getting your colon cleaned out can deliver surprisingly good side effects as days, weeks and months go by. These include a better complexion, less headaches, no bad breath, little odor during bowel movements, plus more energy and clearer thinking.

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